Christophe Terraz


Sascha Herold started with analog photography and switched to digital at the beginning of 2000. The viewer repeatedly encounters unusual perspectives, performances and quotations from other artists. He mainly works in the genre of “constructed photography”, whereby the degree of staging varies.

In Herold’s work, considerations and planning take place before the actual shot is taken. He develops his ideas until he has a comprehensive idea of what the final motif should look like, including the setting, actors, lighting, props, etc. Only then does he start shooting. Only then does he start shooting, so that his photographs are not mass-produced – he produces a maximum of 3 series per year.

At the Kurioz Gallery in Zug, Sascha Herold is showing his series “Spass” and “Celebs”, fog paintings of the diving towers in Lake Zug and selected works of art in public spaces in Zug. With these series, Sascha Herold bathes familiar objects in a new light.


Sascha Herold studied ethnology and ancient American studies in Cologne and Bonn, Germany, and went into advertising full-time after graduating. He lived in various locations in Spain for many years and settled in Zug. In the past he has had exhibitions in Switzerland and abroad, takes part in the annual artconnection in Cologne and Münster and has exhibited several times at photoSCHWEIZ. His photographs are exhibited as small prints on Hahnemühle Photo Rag, as large-format Kodakchrome acrylic high-gloss pictures or as direct aluminum dibond prints. The works are signed and there is only a small edition of each motif.

@ saschaherold0915